Five Areas of Giftedness
- General Intellectual Ability
- Specific Academic Aptitude (e.g. language arts, math)
- Leadership
- Creativity
- Visual and Performing Arts
Identification of gifted students occurs in October and February of each school year. Transfer students from other Kentucky school districts who have been previously identified as gifted and talented will be admitted into the gifted program. Out-of-state transfer students who have been identified will be admitted pending information sent by the previous school.
Services Provided for Gifted and Talented Students
The Talent Pool: Recognizing High Potential Learners K-3
Primary talent pool students are identified informally by teachers as having potential gifts and talents in one or more areas. With collaboration between the classroom teacher and GT resource teacher, primary talent pool students may be placed into cluster groups for instruction. Once placed into the talent pool, students remain there until the end of the 3rd grade. Some of the students will then be formally identified as gifted and talented during the 4th grade.
General intellectual and academically identified gifted students receive pull-out services once per week. During this time, students will engage in activities that are designed to stimulate and develop higher level thinking skills. Much of the content is inter-disciplinary and includes project-based learning. Brainbuster lunches with the GT teacher are also offered once per month to provide time for socialization with other gifted and talented students. Regular classroom teachers utilize strategies such as pacing adjustments, pre-assessment, compacting and acceleration to provide differentiation.
Creative, visual and performing arts identified students are serviced by GT staff through musical and drama productions, art studios, workshops and field trips. These activities are scheduled at various times throughout the year.
Find more information about elementary Gifted and Talented here.
General intellectual, academic and leadership students are serviced through Brainbuster lunches once per month. Challenging, fun activities are provided during this time. Middle school students are placed into leveled math classes. Teachers use various strategies such as pre-assessment, compacting, pacing adjustments and acceleration for differentiation. Creative, visual and performing arts students participate in a musical production once per year, art studios, workshops and field trips. Leadership students are involved in various activities throughout the year, which may include student council, service projects and leadership seminars. We appreciate the generosity of the Drama Notebook for making our Gifted and Talented Drama Workshop possible.
Find more information about middle school Gifted and Talented here.
Honors, Advanced Placement and dual credit classes are offered for all students who can meet the challenge and rigor of the curriculum. Various class offerings are available for the creative, visual and performing arts students. Classroom teachers use curriculum strategies, including pre-assessment, alternate assessment, compacting and acceleration. Leadership students are presented with various opportunities to develop their skills in both the regular classroom and outside opportunities that may arise in the school.
Find more information about high school Gifted and Talented here.
Parent Communication
Students who are identified as gifted and talented receive an annual Gifted Student Service Plan (GSSP), which is designed to outline the differentiated services that the student will receive throughout the year. Students will also receive evaluative comments by regular classroom teachers on report cards and/or individual progress reports sent home by the GT staff.
The Gifted and Talented handbook is available for public review at Central Office or the Gifted and Talented office at Boyle County Middle School.
Gifted and Talented Contacts
Kristina Grubb
Gifted + Talented Coordinator
859.236.4212 ext. 3139
Patrick Swencki
Gifted + Talented Teacher
859.236.4212 ext. 3139
Boyle County Middle School
325 Cunningham Way
Danville, Kentucky 40422