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2023-2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for


Proficient Reading: 34%


Distinguished Reading: 38%


Proficient Math: 39%


Distinguished Math: 32%



Proficient Reading: 33%


Distinguished Reading: 28%


Proficient Math: 36%


Distinguished Math: 19%



Proficient Reading: 33%


Distinguished Reading: 28%


Proficient Math: 33%


Distinguished Math: 20%


School Health Requirements


Health Requirements


Pursuant to Kentucky state regulations, students must meet the following health requirements to attend Boyle County Schools. To learn more about BCS health services, please visit our School Health Services page.


Effective July 1, 2018, all school-aged children in kindergarten through 12th grade must show proof of having received two doses of the Hepatitis A vaccine to attend school. A minimum interval of 6 months between the first and second doses of the Hep A vaccine is required. If the child has not yet received the second dose of the Hep A vaccine for this school year, the child’s Certificate of Immunization Status will be considered “provisional” and will expire 14 days from the date the second dose is required.

Students aged 16 years or older also must show proof of having received two doses of Meningococcal ACWY vaccine (MenACWY). However, it is important to note that if the first dose of MenACWY was received at age 16 years or older, the second dose is not required for school entry. For children 16 and older, the Certificate of Immunization Status must show the dates the child received two doses of Hep A vaccine as well as the MenACWY vaccine.

The Hepatitis A and MenACWY vaccines are available through local healthcare providers, and covered as a no-cost preventive service by most health insurance plans.

Any child with a medical condition who is unable to receive the vaccines will be issued a medical exemption certificate by their healthcare provider. If a parent chooses not to immunize a child based on religious objections, the parent must complete a sworn and notarized Commonwealth of Kentucky Parent or Guardian’s Declination on Religious Grounds to Required Immunizations. Immunization forms are available on the Kentucky Immunization Program website.



Every BCS student must have a current Kentucky State Immunization Certificate on file at school. Medical and religious exemption certificates are available.

Physical Exams

Students need proof of a physical exam completed on a Kentucky Preventative Exam Form prior to their initial entry into school and for sixth grade. This exam is not the same as a sports physical.

Eye Exams

Students ages 3, 4, 5, or 6 years old entering BCS for the first time must have an eye exam completed by January 1 of the year the student is enrolled. This is a one-time-only requirement. This exam must be completed by an ophthalmologist or optometrist and is not part of the physical exam. Proof of the exam must be submitted on the Kentucky Vision Examination Form.

Dental Exams

Students ages 5 or 6 years old entering BCS for the first time must have a dental exam completed by January 1 of the year the student is enrolled. This is a one-time-only requirement. Proof of the exam must be on the Kentucky Dental Screening/Examination Form.

Screening Programs

During the school year, all elementary school and 7th-grade students participate in height/weight, vision and hearing screenings. Parents who do not want their child to participate in these screenings should notify the school in writing or select this option on school enrollment forms.


Nichole Brown, APRN, FNP-C
District Health Coordinator, 859-236-6634

Kimberly Brussell, RN, BSN
Boyle County Middle School, 859-236-4212

Kim Coulter, RN, BSN
Boyle County High School, 859-236-5047

Kim Ellis, LPN
Perryville Elementary, 859-936-7500

Teri Gerlach, RN, BSN
Junction City Elementary, 859-936-7524 

Jody Wells, RN, MSN
Woodlawn Elementary, 859-236-7688